
Session Six: The Importance of Social Customer Service in Your Marketing Strategy

Week 6 already? whew!...... times flies when having fun. Quite an exciting semester this has been!  So far, I got a chance to appreciate, explore and understand social media marketing much better! At one point I could never understand how having a certain amount of followers get you a job! just like that?! where do i sign up? lol, Not until understanding the meaning of social media, is where i got a chance to understand social / virtual influencers. It also helped me, as a marketer, to appreicate social media and how to manipulate my platform for an immediate return on investments! So refreshing .... This week we decided to discuss the importance of social customer service in your marketing strategy.  We all know customer service can either make or break your organization, it's essential for companies to have proper customer service for an effective 'business to customer' relationship.  It is, therefore, important to include customer service when conceptualizing

Session Five: Social Media Trends

Wow... as social media evolves, it is pretty creepy as to what exactly social media trends are and what they have to offer to the social media platforms. As we all know, social media trend is the subject of many posts on a social media website or application within a short period of time. In 2016, we saw live streaming becoming a trend and was getting bigger on the different social platforms, video content became a trend; where you could "live" and "in-the-moment" updates. Live streaming became a playing field for marketers to conceptualize creative advertising strategies to promote their products and services. Facebook became the ultimate marketing channel for most companies and organizations. In 2016 we were also experiencing a push for more personalization and broader app functionality. In 2017, influence marketing started to surge;  this aspect of marketing was interesting to me,  i experienced in my era, the notion of virtual influencers! As the name sugge

Session 8: Blogs, Blogging and Bloggers

Hey Everyone, Thanks for reading my blog posts :) we are down to session 8 and I am so excited! Last time we discussed building your online community. We also spoke about reputation and the personality of an organization. We did touch on how important it is to manage your image on social media; it's crucial for firms to understand that even by association they are targeted. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. It's very important who represents your brand whether it is in the form of a brand ambassador or social influencer. Please bear in mind that a brand ambassador and a social influencer is not the same. While a brand ambassador can also be a social influencer that represents the brand, a social influencer promotes the brand but is not necessarily the ambassador - of the brand or organization. Interesting huh? yeah, I was shocked when I found out.     Shock in a sense where I never really took note on the similarities and differences. But, the

Session 7: Building your online community

"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." Hey Everyone! We are back! and this time we'll be looking at building your online community! Nowadays, companies are gravitating towards social media to disseminate information to their target audience. According to Google, 97% of consumers use the web to search for local businesses – and if the vast majority of your potential customers are online, you should be, too!      Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of your marketing strategy, no matter what size your business is or what industry it belongs to. However, having a strong online presence comes with managing your reputation. How many of them are aware of building their online community?;  managing their brand equity and reputation?        An online presence is important for outbound marketing because it reinforces your brand and what you offer to your target market. Once you’ve communicated with

How social media changed the rules of marketing and PR- Session 4

It is very evident that social media has changed the rules of Marketing and Public Relations. In early modern periods marketing simply meant advertising. The adverts must appeal to the masses, by persuading the audience to buy the products. However,  this was a downfall as people identified how overemphasized the messaging was and neither does it communicate the true essence of the product or services. Advertising was a one way -company to the consumer- strategy and it was exclusively about selling the product. Because of this, no true brand identity resonated with the audience in order to gain recognition. Conversely, Advertising and Public Relations were separate disciplines run by different people with different goals and strategies. In fact, Public Relations was more on the premises which states: in order to get a press release out of media companies, the news had to have some form of significance; They weren't allowed to send a press release off without a quote from a third

Crafting your winning social media strategy - Session 3

Crafting your winning social media strategy was a very interesting session. Given the fact that it was online made it even more fascinating because I was learning while in the comfort of my home! What I learned during this session put the icing on the cake of how easy it is to identify local campaigns with a winning social media strategy. Let's take Campari into consideration. Campari did the "impossible!", they took their brand from a low shelf, "bad tasting" bitter product and turn it into a product of high quality and sophistication. This was done by changing their advertising and focused heavily on online marketing, mainly on Instagram.  Before the possibility of advertising online, when Campari came on the scene it wasn't the most favored drink but after a rebrand, we are seeing more and more people consuming the product and building a relationship with the brand. The crafting of the Social media strategy : Campari Come Together, was the key factor

Emerging Media & Technological Determinism _ Session 2

Many advertisers have increased their use of support media and, as new alternatives are developed,  emerging media will continue to evolve. Given the rapid emergence of a variety of new media, we are able to see that even some traditional media have adapted to the new media environment by updating their platforms and offerings. This all sounds fine and dandy as advertisers are seeing the need for a more integrated approach to marketing. However, as you can see, this will change the rules of marketing and thus, bears the following questions: will emerging media affect the way we communicate? and if so, how would that affect social media strategy? In order to answer this question, we must take into consideration the history of marketing and realize as technology evolves so does the concept of marketing. According to Amercian Journal of Business, emerging media is communication- of all types- based on digital technologies and increasingly with interactive components. In addition, becau