Session 7: Building your online community

"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it."

Hey Everyone!

We are back! and this time we'll be looking at building your online community!

Nowadays, companies are gravitating towards social media to disseminate information to their target audience. According to Google, 97% of consumers use the web to search for local businesses – and if the vast majority of your potential customers are online, you should be, too!

     Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of your marketing strategy, no matter what size your business is or what industry it belongs to. However, having a strong online presence comes with managing your reputation.

How many of them are aware of building their online community?;  managing their brand equity and reputation? 

      An online presence is important for outbound marketing because it reinforces your brand and what you offer to your target market. Once you’ve communicated with your audience, you’ll need to have a web presence that helps portray why your product or service is so great – because that’s the next step to building a relationship with your potential customers.

But, how many actually have a social media policy? Or even know the personality of their organization, so that it syncs with their online presence? 

       Social media is an important part of your online presence that improves your chances of generating additional revenue and building customer loyalty. It allows customers, potential customers, and other interested parties to engage easily via a channel that plays an important role in their everyday lives. With that being said, it's imperative to have a good reputation and build your online community. 

     Studies have shown that a firm with a strong positive reputation attracts better people. Once you've identified the personality of your organization and what the organization value in terms of brand equity, you'll realize that customers will eventually gain resonance and loyalty towards the brand. 

    On the other hand, when you build your online community, you ought to create a social media policy that resonates with the goal and objectives of the organization. That way, you build an online identity for your brand which will allow you to, foster conversations with your customers, which allows immediate feedback that will be beneficial to your organization. It also allows you to build a relationship with your customers and foster connections in order to create a sustainable partnership with your shareholders.  
Here's what KFC did when they had a PR CRISIS! Check it out: 


Peace and Love!
“Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”—Abraham Lincoln


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