Session 8: Blogs, Blogging and Bloggers

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for reading my blog posts :)

we are down to session 8 and I am so excited!

Last time we discussed building your online community. We also spoke about reputation and the personality of an organization.

We did touch on how important it is to manage your image on social media; it's crucial for firms to understand that even by association they are targeted. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

It's very important who represents your brand whether it is in the form of a brand ambassador or social influencer. Please bear in mind that a brand ambassador and a social influencer is not the same. While a brand ambassador can also be a social influencer that represents the brand, a social influencer promotes the brand but is not necessarily the ambassador - of the brand or organization.

Interesting huh? yeah, I was shocked when I found out.

    Shock in a sense where I never really took note on the similarities and differences. But, the more i'm involved in the social media market, is the more i'm discovering social influencers such as Lil Mequla - a virtual influencer that models for Prada. Yes, you read right, a virtual influencer that models for Prada.
It blew my mind how much technology has evolved over the years. I was legit blown away when I saw her profile page on Instagram with 31.k followers.

               (She is not real/ Not  human/ she is a robot with 31.k followers)

As a marketer we have to keep up with the daily evolution of social media, it can be challenging but it's crucial when crafting your social media marketing strategies.

I realize that most marketers aren't avid bloggers, it always dawned on me how we are not educating the masses about what's happening in our world. They see our work, they blame us if we fail but do they truly understand the groundwork and the mishaps? Do they understand why we make certain decisions?

If we don't document or talk about these things, the world will never know how truly amazing our work is and win or lose, our attitude towards our work triumphs them all!

Marketers have a winning attitude, in any market we enter, we enter to dominate, we enter to represent our brand effectively, and ensure we develop some form of relationship with our potential customers.

So why not write about it?

This week, I'm touching a little bit about Blogs, Blogging, and Bloggers.

In Jamaica there are not many Marketing Bloggers, I never could understand why because I think blogging is very useful to leverage your unique strengths; maybe you're good at photography, critiquing illustrations or just good at writing. Blogging helps with maximizing your true potential and who knows, maybe .. one day your blogs could evolve into a Book. > Marketing 101 for Dummies. :)

To me, Blogging allows you to express the way you want to- creatively and effectively to attract your target audience. The platform allows you to control what you post, how you post and for the first time, you are not told: "You cant post that!" or "Delete that post!"

Consider it to be your published Diary, who knows, maybe being a blogger could open a lot of opportunities for you; you are able to create or exceed expectations and blogging allows you to develop an online identity for your personal brand.

You could be the next Travel- Marketing Blogger with a successful Blog!

Here are some additional links on crafting a Successful Blog:

Until next time!

Stay blessed and grateful


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