How social media changed the rules of marketing and PR- Session 4

It is very evident that social media has changed the rules of Marketing and Public Relations. In early modern periods marketing simply meant advertising. The adverts must appeal to the masses, by persuading the audience to buy the products. However,  this was a downfall as people identified how overemphasized the messaging was and neither does it communicate the true essence of the product or services. Advertising was a one way -company to the consumer- strategy and it was exclusively about selling the product. Because of this, no true brand identity resonated with the audience in order to gain recognition.

Conversely, Advertising and Public Relations were separate disciplines run by different people with different goals and strategies. In fact, Public Relations was more on the premises which states: in order to get a press release out of media companies, the news had to have some form of significance; They weren't allowed to send a press release off without a quote from a third party to show some form of credibility. In addition, the only way buyer would learn about the press release's content was if the media wrote a story about it.

However, as social media evolves we realize that there are new ways of marketing, as more and more companies are using a more integrated approach to marketing. You find that companies like IHOP are now doing a more integrated marketing using social media as their primary media. You will find that PR is not just mainstream media approach anymore, you are what you publish, people want participation, not propaganda. In truth, on the web, lines between marketing and PR are blurred.

Let's take a look at how IHOP introduced burgers to their menu.

I also include my answer to the live tweet session with my IMCC6200_2018 class. Take a look



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