Emerging Media & Technological Determinism _ Session 2

Many advertisers have increased their use of support media and, as new alternatives are developed,  emerging media will continue to evolve. Given the rapid emergence of a variety of new media, we are able to see that even some traditional media have adapted to the new media environment by updating their platforms and offerings.
This all sounds fine and dandy as advertisers are seeing the need for a more integrated approach to marketing. However, as you can see, this will change the rules of marketing and thus, bears the following questions: will emerging media affect the way we communicate? and if so, how would that affect social media strategy?
In order to answer this question, we must take into consideration the history of marketing and realize as technology evolves so does the concept of marketing.
According to Amercian Journal of Business, emerging media is communication- of all types- based on digital technologies and increasingly with interactive components. In addition, because of ongoing changes in technology, marketers are realizing that they are easier ways to gain the attention of their audience with little to no cost! Whether it be through content marketing, mobile apps or even podcasts; marketers are able to connect with their audience and build a relationship between consumer and brand. However, because emerging media is a new way to communicate,
we experience a new wave in how we should be communicating to our audience, this affects the social media strategy because you would have to ensure that you are up-to-date with the changes of the platforms to stay connected with your audience. This in and of itself is called technological determinism.  This is briefly, the way in which technology affects society.

In closing, technology is viewed as the driving force of culture in a society and it determines its course of history. It, therefore, affects social media marketing strategies because of the on-going changes within SM platforms & emerging media. In addition, famous sociologist, Marx believed that progressive production in a society ultimately influences the cultural, political and economic aspect of a society.

I decided to attach two links fitting for this discussion.
See Below,

https://www.pinterest.com/odeannetthomas/ Facebook Users Will Be Able to Add Licensed Music to Their Videos

https://twitter.com/ChevonneseWhyte/status/1004151054634749954 https://twitter.com/ChevonneseWhyte/status/1004151054634749954
Blessings :)


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